Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Independence Day from OverThinking It

That's from Overthinking It, a blog dedicated to explaining "popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn’t deserve." Other highlights from the site include: how the movement of the earth wasn't calculated in Back to the Future, how to survive the music video Thriller, and the philosophy of that last two Batman movies.


  1. Love the speech, nice one.

    Also, the article on the Back to the Future problems is intriguing. Reminds me of the 90s show "Sliders" on Fox and SciFi. Somehow they confront the issues of alternate earth rotational speeds, different evolutionary pathways, and slight chromosome variations while still landing in or near San Francisco every episode. Not once does variation in the Big Bang come up. I guess landing in a cloud of space dust and killing all the cast would put a damper on the writing...

  2. Speaking of Sliders, Hulu has seasons 1-3!

  3. I knoooow! I was watching an episode when I posted my comment :-P


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