Saturday, November 28, 2009

Bloggers Should Link to Wikipedia

One of my favorite things about writing online is that I can link old ideas to news ones. That is why throughout posts you will find links to old posts. Another benefit of online writing is that I can link my ideas to others' ideas. Instead of fully explaining some economics term or historical event, I just assume you know what it is and link to it just in case. But a problem arises when deciding which site to link to. There are plenty of choices, so which do you use? I say Wikipedia. Not only is it currently accurate (old post), it is also adaptively so. Information is always changing and wikis have the ability to chance with it. It is also a reliable down the road. Nothing is more frustrating than clicking a dead link (here's a site to check if you have any). And finally, Wikipedia is concise and familiar. Quick summaries at the top with details outlined below and best of all, no ads. So if I ever want to tell you about the least famous famous American, I'll probably link Wikipedia.

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