Saturday, December 19, 2009

Read All Legislation Aloud

Whether it's watching the Democrats push reform that ignores market ideas (individual tax exemption, cross state purchases, and HSA's) or watching Republicans become no robots (nobots?) doing everything they can to halt any reform, I haven't been enjoying the health care debate. However, a recent Republican tactic has given me a great idea for future legislation. A Vermont Democrat withdrew his amendment after a Republican called for all 767 pages to be read aloud, which would have taken 17 hours. With the average length of congressional bills getting longer over time (this one is about as long as the Bible), the likelihood of Congress actually reading the bill gets smaller. I propose that all laws have to be read aloud by one of the authors (no clerks allowed). This might not increase knowledge about the bill, but my hope is that it will shrink them or at least discourage wasteful additions. If I'm lucky, it may even increase the opportunity for fast talkers to run for Congress.

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